Wednesday, April 24, 2013

First writing....

   Hey guys! Sorry I don't have much time to update, I just thought I would share my english work with you guys. It is going to be the first story work from me. I say I have a bit of a connection to my man characters. Wasula is based a bit off of me, and Chayton kind of reminded me of an old friend. I wish I could have done better, my characters deserved better but we work with what we got. I hope you enjoy the story, it was going to be longer and better but it is due Friday and I could only fit it in tonight. Well here is the link.....

Wasula- Hair Storm  

   I have been reading but haven't finished any thing yet. I hope to have one done by the end of the week. I also hope you guys have been enjoying the view counter, many of my friends have told me it was nice. Our group did really good at A vous la parole. We got second place even thought I swear I screwed up my solo. To make up for that I thought I would try to do a solo song for our Pop concert for choir. I just can't decide what to do, you think it would be easy but with 712 songs on my Ipod... I can't choose just one! I will try to tell you guys if I get to perform and what the song is. Speaking of songs, I am so sorry that I keep forgetting the Kelly Clarkson songs. I will try and get them but it may be June when I get to them. I have also forgotten my song highlights of the month! I am so sorry, I know I have apologized before but I truly hate being late about things. Well I need to get going... Talk To You All Later! -Kaitlynn

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