Sunday, April 7, 2013


      I  finished Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. But we can get to that later, it is April! I hope to get close to the 144 views that I got last month.  Or at least half, which would be 72 views. Oh, today I went to a job fair. Turns out by doing this blog I am over half way there to being a web site designer. But I also learned how to edit pictures, use a sound board, and many other things. My old friends would be so proud of me, I have really bad stage fright, it keeps me from doing lots of things. I talked to at least 4 new people today, I will never see them again but I feel proud. Moving on before I bore you all. My next book I am reading is  called Article 5 by Kristen Simmons. I couldn't find any thing to read at our library and none of my book  I have on hold are coming in. I found this book and thought it sounded good. You guys are going to have to wait to hear about it thought because I am not done with it yet. Well on to my review.

                             Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

     We start off right where we left off in Clockwork Prince. Tessa and Jem are going to get married, Will and his sister are arguing constantly, and many other things. If you remember ( if you read the last book...) the Lightwoods father has demon pox, which makes a huge splash in the story with in the first few chapters. As we go thought the book we go on an adventure, find love ( or keep up with it...), lose who is important, get important people back, and learn more about the shadow world. From beginning to end this book will hold your attention and cause you to have many emotional break downs.

  I rate this book a 5/5 stars. It was a great book, I just about broke down crying in class once or twice. It is sad to see such a great book series come to an end. I am sorry the review is short, I don't want to ruin the book for all of you who have yet to read it. If you want to know more about the book I guess you could read it. I would lend it to you all but well I think that it would be a little to hard to do through the computer, plus I would be afraid of never getting it back! Not that I don't trust you guys, I just have a hard time lending out my books....
   Sorry this is out later than I wanted it to be. I had this done on Tuesday but didn't have time to post until now. I also have Article 5 done, I will try to find time later to post my review. Well I have to get going, Talk To You All Later! -Kaitlynn

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