Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

      Hey guys! I know this is early but this is the only time I will be able to say this before I get super busy, and I just really want to tell you my mis-adventure! OK it isn't as long as I am making it seem but it is awfully funny to me and my friends. I know they will possibly never let me live it down too. So I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving or just another normal day if you don't celebrate thanksgiving. And Enjoy my major nerd fail. -Kaitlynn

                                    Mis-adventure: The Sonic Screwdriver......

        So after school one of my friends asked if I wanted to hold the Doctors Sonic Screwdriver. I said yes of course, who wouldn't want to! So she hands me the sonic, of course she knows I have only seen about 3 and a half seasons of Doctor Who. I looked at it going I don't remember this one, so like any one would do.... I pressed the button. I didn't know I had it facing the wrong way so when it extended toward me instead of the way I thought it would, I freaked out. By now my friend was truly paying attention and we both just burst in to a fit of laughter. I gave it back and said "You should take this before I accidentally kill myself." My friend said that "You can't kill yourself with a sonic! Unless you heat up your blood to the boiling point....." But pretty much at that point we were both just laughing at my nerd failing.


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