Saturday, February 9, 2013

Title Here......

    Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted any thing yet. Don't worry I finished my surprise book but I don't have time to night to review it. For all of you who want a hint I will tell you that it is Non-fiction. It is my least favorite type of book but my Amma gave it to me and turns out I needed to read it for english. Sorry almost all the things I have posted so far are for my english class. Don't fret! My next book that I am currently reading is Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld. I wont be reviewing the fist book because well I don't own it. I get almost all the books I read from our local library. I go in there so much the librarians know my name and know when I am coming! But back to our topic, I should be done with the book by Thursday or Friday. Then I have two other books I got from the library. The first one I am going to read is The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress. And the other is just a bunch of short stories and seems like to much to review so I might just mention if it was good or not. Other than that I really don't have much else. I should tell you all that I won't be able to update this the last week of February because I am going to be really busy. I will be competing in Academic Decathlon, Picking up medals, (I already have one so far) Competing in a choir competition, and plan to take a small break after all of that. I am going to still be reading books,  I can't live with out my books! I really need to get going, talk to you all later! - Kaitlynn  

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