Sunday, February 17, 2013


    Hello Every One! I am going to start up a new thing, every time I get a chance I am going to answer one question from you. As in my fans! At least I hope you are all! For now I am going to answer a question when ever I get the chance. It may not be very often seeing as most of my time is spent on home work or other things that are just as important.  So post your questions often in hopes of being the lucky one who's question gets picked.

                Before I start I must lay down some ground rules.

 1. No swearing. Please this is a public place every one can see you and I really don't want to kick you out.

2. Please be reasonable with your questions! I really don't want to answer questions that are really uncomfortable for me.

3. Don't spam your question. I don't want to spend twenty minutes reading the same comment over and over again from the same person. Also if you can save me the effort, IF there is a question you want to ask but some one has asked it... Just put the name of the person who posted it and I will look at their comment.

4. Have fun. This is the last rule because really I just want every one to be happy, laugh, and do what ever they do when they are happy.

My first question or set of questions comes from my dear friend DJ Gold......

DJ Gold: "What's your favorite book?"

Me: That is a tough one because I love so many books I can't choose just one!  I guess right now it would have to be the mortal instruments series and the infernal devices series.

DJ Gold: "How much do you love books?"

Me: I  love them SO much. I couldn't imagine life with out them. They are my whole world and my entertainment.  I can't go some where with out a book or looking for new books.

DJ Gold: "Do you like school?"

Me: I don't like it but I don't hate it. I kind of just tolerate it, and try to get through the day. It helps that I share classes with so many funny/interesting kids, who aren't afraid to be them selves. They make class more interesting and less boring.

DJ Gold: " have you ever wanted to change the world?"

Me: Some times, but then I realize that if I did we wouldn't have what we have or the world would be in some weird alternate universe where things are even worst. So I just accept that the world is how the world is and leave it at that.

Thanks for the questions DJ Gold. I would love for you to come back some time.
If you want to ask a question, read the rules and post your question in the comments. Talk to you all later! -kaitlynn

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